Thursday, July 8, 2010

Days 9, 10, 11, 12 & 13

Turns out I'm still not great at blogging everyday.

I could be.

But so far I've chosen to not be.

Meh, I still going to plan on doing it everyday, and working towards that end, but it's not nearly as important to me as exercising every day.

Also, you may notice I changed the look of my blog for the first time. I did that because I realized that though I originally really liked the look of it, it no longer reflected who I'm becoming. The original black scheme was about hiding and denial.

I strive now to be about light and truth.

I also replaced my black and white "head in my hands" picture of myself I had as my profile shot. I did that also because it's no longer who I am anymore. That was about being hopeless, and some "why me?" victimization, and immaturely romanticized drama.

I strive now to be about success, self-accountability, and moderation.


Days 9, 10, 11, 12, & 13

Did I exercise?

Well, let me just say this:


Saturday: 40 minutes of basketball, and drove a large bucket of golf balls at the range.
Sunday: 100 wall push ups and 10 sit-ups (pseudo sit-ups, I got up on each as far as I could)
Monday: 35 minutes of lawn mowing
Tuesday: 40 minutes of lawn mowing
Wednesday: ½ mile walk and 75 wall push ups


Saturday, July 3, 2010

Day 7 & 8

I didn't post yesterday.

I didn't post because, well...


I forgot.

So I can definitely tell you why I didn't not post though.

It wasn't because I didn't exercise.

No sir.

I'm not stopping.

I'm not stopping.

I'm not stopping.

I will not quit.

I will not give in.

I will continue.

I will persevere.

I am tenacious.

I am strong.

I am working hard, and I will reap what I am sowing.

Day 7 AND 8:

Did I exercise?

Ohhhhhh yeeeessssss

One hour and 15 minutes of basketball Thursday, 40 minutes of basketball yesterday.

Pay the man, indeed :)

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Day 6

You know what is right.

What is true.

You do.

I do too.

It may be harder to discern on occasion in the rush of the day, or in the swirling melange of one's multitude of life issues and elements.

But at our core, we still know.

Sometimes we purposely pretend that we don't.

We dismiss the quite voice reminding us inside.

We do what we "want" instead.

But then, sometimes, after we do what we "want", we feel bad, unhappy, guilty, ashamed.

And that?

That is good.

It is healthy to feel bad when we make a poor choice; a choice that is incongruent with what we know to be true.

Not to dwell or stew, but just to feel it. To recognize and acknowledge we chose improperly.

Let's not pretend and be blind; we are where we are today because of ourselves.

I am who I am today because of me.

Good or bad, it is our choices that count.

External things have happened and always will, but our lives are still a reflection of what we've done with every single moment of choice with which we've been presented.

You know what's right.

What is true.

You do.

I do too.

What will you do with that power today?


Day 6:

Did I exercise?

Yes, I played 20 minutes of basketball.

And so I was paid.