Monday, August 3, 2009

Morning Has Broken

...and with it comes good news; the couple quick things are as follows:

A) I walked another 1.5 miles last night in 40 minutes. Excellent!

B) I told somebody over the weekend that I'm feeling good, then sort of sheepishly added, "I feel really good actually, I have been kind of purposely playing it down." Their response was: "I know. I've seen it in your eyes." It blew me away, and actually brought tears to my eyes because they had seen it; their validation and understanding of the changes I'm making from the inside out was amazing.

C) After getting back from weighing today I thought: "Maybe I should treat myself for breakfast", which is something, after a good weigh-in during previous attempts to lose weight/get healthy/etc, that I've always done. BUT, again, for the third week in a row, I said "Nope" and just ate a regular breakfast. I'm starting to notice these moments each time and they feel good, because they are all about the true change that is occurring.

D) I lost 18 pounds this last week.

Here's to a wonderful week full of great choices for all of us!


  1. Good for you to just say "Nope!"
    The REAL reward is the feeling you got, and will get again and again...the changes on the INSIDE!

  2. Wow you are seriously kickin' it into high gear!

  3. OMG! Fantstic weight loss.....keep it up!

  4. congrats ... that is a HUGE loss. Very nice work!

  5. Way to go on the walk and on the lose this week. I really believe when we are feeling good mentally it shines through and the weight just starts coming off.

  6. Great job on the weight loss! And I think it's wonderful that you are walking too. Keep up the good work!

  7. Terrific!!

    Outside validation is priceless - how nice you were able to get some.

    WTG on just saying no. (& yes, I realize how cheesy that sounds, lol)

  8. Awesome!! I am so happy for you on all points. And OMG!!! 18 pounds?!?!?!? Amazing. Keep on walking.

  9. GREAT job! Keep up the good work - and keep staying strong!

  10. Congrats on the loss. And what a great achievement realizing that celebrating with food is not a good idea!

  11. Hip hip hooray on the loss. And (even more importantly) on the changes you're making. It's about adding up a whole lot of good choices (like your breakfast choice). You're on your way!

  12. Excellent, excellent week. That's about how long I've been following your blog now, and I'm really enjoying it. Congrats on the loss, bigger congrats on the walking, and the BIGGEST congrats on making that change that caused you to say no to the special breakfast. It feels good to have the power to tell ourselves no, doesn't it? I love the feeling...I bet you do too. :)

  13. 1.5 miles in 40 minutes is awesome.

    Also, I love that you stayed away from treating yourself with food. My friends want to take me out to eat to celebrate my weight loss, and the first thing I think about is what restaurant would be the healthiest for us to eat at. In the past, I would normally not care and say "I deserve it" and eat whatever I wanted.

    It's funny, what I did as a personal treat for myself, I went and bought a new tie, shirt, and belt instead of treating myself with food.

    Sorry for the long comment. Your post really hit home for me.

    Good Post

  14. Wow, that's fantastic ... both the saying no to treats and the loss.

    The validation is great, too. So glad people are noticing that you're all lit up. :)

  15. you're truly inspiring and put a smile on my sleepy face this morning! thanx

  16. Nice loss dude!

    Fantastic work on the walking. Keep that up man, that's awesome!

    I think the best part is that you're feeling good. I know that trying to downplay it thing, but you really don't need to man. Let it propel you forwards.

  17. Wow...18 pounds in one week! That is awesome! You are doing a great job...keep it up!

  18. Great loss :) and well done on the "nope" too :)

  19. Congrats on the loss. Keep up the good work.

  20. So glad you are doing so great and feeling so good! I know you will keep losing. 18 lbs...awesome.

    Thanks for your comment on my really helped me. xoxo

  21. 18lbs - WONDERFUL, and even better, you said no to "treating yourself" with food! one step at a time, your on your way!!!

  22. When other people see the changes in me it is such a rush of validation for me. I am sure it is the same for you too.

    Congratulations! :)

  23. Congrats on your weight loss. And I'm glad you commented on my blog, 'cause it's how I found your awesome blog. Just keep at it... it will be relatively slow, but hey, Rome wasn't built in a day.
