Friday, January 9, 2009

Hello Goodbye: Weekly Review & Planning

My Goals for the last week are listed below, with comments on how I actually did in red:

1) Drink 6 liters of water daily. - Decided the first day of last week to lower that goal (thanks to advice from Fat Lazy Guy) to a more reasonable 4 liters. With today's goal 2 cups away, I reached my goal 5 of the last 6 days since I set these goals.

2) Start new sub-section blog to track water intake progress. - Done (link also at right under "My Workouts & My Eating"

3) Do at least 1/2 hour of cardio (the class, walks, aerobics at home, etc) at least 5 days. - If I workout today I will have done 4 out of the goal of 5.

4) Work out with weights at home at least 3 times. - I didn't work out with weights once, I did do 30-50 wall push-ups several times this week though.

5) No binges - Binged once this week, I didn't write it down or tell anyone about it, but I did do it. I binged on Saturday on a can of Pringles and 2 subway sandwiches (again, NOT the Jared kind).

6) Write at least 4 posts on this blog - Accomplished that goal with this post.

7) Lose 8 lbs - I lost 9 pounds, bringing me to 598 pounds.

Oh man do I feel good about this week. I felt great this morning when I saw I lost 9 pounds, but now that I'm actually reviewing the work I did this week I feel even better.

See, as it turns out, I thought I had done more cardio than I had. In reality I only did cardio 3 of the 6 days since I last posted (I plan to weigh and do weekly reviews every Friday, but did it on Sat last week because I got back into town Friday and didn't have time). So, 9 pounds in 6 days with only 3 days of cardio is Awesome! More importantly, that instantly gets me excited to make my goal of 5 days of cardio in this next 7 days.

Additionally, I feel really good about my water this last week, which was undoubtedly the best its been in 9 months.

Plus, I only binged once! Still one too many, but what a difference compared to the physical anarchy of a month ago.

Okay, now, looking ahead. Below are my goals for the next week:

1) Drink 6 liters of water daily.

2) Do at least 1/2 hour of cardio (the class, walks, aerobics at home, etc) at least 5 days.

3) Work out with weights at home at least 2 times.

4) Because I've been doing this for a couple weeks and want to keep it up, and also want to keep track of the healthy habits I'm building, this week a goal will be to continue to write down everything I eat on my sub-blog.

5) No binges

6) Write at least 4 posts on this blog

7) I'm not sure if I will always want to make a certain number of weight loss a goal, and I'm already wavering as to its usefulness, but for now I'll keep it. So my goal for this next week is the same as the number I accomplished this last week: Lose 9 lbs, which will take me under 590.

And before I end this post, I feel I ought to take one last look back at one of the most significant numbers of my life so far: 600. As in, 600 pounds.

I've crossed important thresholds before and said to myself "I'll never see 400/450/500/550 pounds again", but this time I honest to God mean it in such an intense way. I will NEVER see 600 pounds on a scale ever again.

I don't quite even know how to best honor the meaning in my life of getting over 600 pounds, and the more important moment of bidding it farewell.

Suffice to say that weighing over 600 pounds represented the darkest moment, and the most out of touch moment, in my life. A time when my life long habits of hiding, isolating, self destruction, disconnecting, and denial made their last desperate push to destroy me.

But this last year was also filled with some of the most key mental and emotional growth of my life, and ultimately its the strides I've made in those areas that have helped me turn the tide on the negative habits/tendancies/traits. Every day those poison traits, those poisonous traits that got me to 600 pounds, lose a little of their hold within me and I replace them with positive ones.

Goodbye 600 pounds. Goodbye forever, you horrible, evil, hellish son of a bitch.

Hello 500's.

No, don't get up. Thanks, but I'll keep my coat. No, I'm okay. I don't need to get comfortable.

I don't plan on staying here very long...


  1. I know when I crossed the 300 pound threshold it was the most liberating feeling because I knew I could do this.

    Suffice to say that weighing over 600 pounds represented the darkest moment, and the most out of touch moment, in my life. A time when my life long habits of hiding, isolating, self destruction, disconnecting, and denial made their last desperate push to destroy me.

    I've been there too at 370. And I didn't even realize I was there for so long because of deep seeded denial. Isn't it wonderful to look back after you've made tangible progress and to recognize what was going on before? In time you will wonder why you ever were so out of control because you will have established such a foundation of good eating and exercise habits that it will seem like another person lived that life.

    Hats off to you for an awesome week! Now lets see another one.

  2. Good post. A strong pat on the back. Keep on going, you've got a lot of support out here. We may be able to help out some. Check out the Information on our blog and website. Leave a note along the way.

  3. Oh wow, you did awesome this week! Two things stood out for me right away: you only binged once, and you're under 600 lbs!!! Yay! Keep it up!

    I'm trying to increase my water too, to see if it helps my back. I keep throwing it out, and I read that dehydration might be a risk factor. It's tough for me though, because it upsets my stomach (yes, for real. I know it's just water. It still does. I don't know why).

  4. Congratulations mate! You've done spectacularly! Goodbye 600s!

    And I totally agree with #7. If you don't find it useful, don't do it :)

    Oh, and dude, wall pushups are awesome. If strength training isn't something you want to do right now, i wouldn't worry about it too much. The main thing is that you keep doing what's working for you. But when you feel like it, strength training is a very good idea for maintaining muscle mass, and that's something you really want to do. Just cardio and diet alone results in muscle loss. Here's a link to a study done on itstudy

  5. Congratulations to you. This is the understantement of the fucking century, but I am SOOO proud of you and SOOO excited for you!

    I know I keep saying this, but it's so true - you've always been strong, you've always been wise, you've always known what it is that you want. But there is something over the last few weeks that has shifted. Something big. Your resolve, your energy, you determination - all of them feel stronger than ever before, yet amazingly peaceful at the same time. It's an incredibly beautiful and inspiring thing to witness.

    All my love to you. You are wonderful in every way.

  6. That's absolutely AMAZING!! I am so proud of you! I am glad you are being realistic with your goals. None of us is perfect, but if we keep trying, then we will succeed. I am totally impressed. You are awesome!

  7. What an amazingly victorious week you had! AWESOME! Let your success this week carry you into the next! :o)

  8. Congratulations on an EXCEPTIONAL week!!!

    You ROCK!!

    I'm so proud of you!!

  9. Two words, WELL DONE!!

    You did it! You and only you did it!


    Keep up the awesome work!!!

  10. Yeah, when I saw that you now weigh 598, I thought WAIT A MINUTE THAT'S A BIG VICTORY RIGHT THERE! Congratulations!
    I'm relieved for you that there's light shining into your life.
    The goals you've listed are something you have absolute control over but the numbers on the scale are not. It's a tricky one to set #'s as goals, I think. It sets us up for disappointment if we don't hit it. But what you're doing with assessing your goals each week is something concrete to focus on to see how truly successful you've been. I think that this is the better approach.
    I'm saying this to myself too, just so ya know :)

  11. Way to go on the loss and assessing your progress compared to your goals. You had a great week and will have equally great weeks to come.

  12. So wonderful to hear you talking about weight loss in a healthy, sane way! No more of the crazy expectation that 20 lbs a week is healthy and normal! You are great. I am glad I get to follow along in your transformation. It is so great. Wonderful. Beautiful. Fantastic.

    I am most impressed with your reduction in bingeing. That is the hardest fucking thing on earth to face and you are doing it!

    That deserves a....


  13. Here's looking at you, dude! Congratulations on an awesome week!

    I like the way you keep track of your goals and measure your performance every week. This is the tools of someone on the road to success.
    Just remember to, instead of berating yourself for falling short sometimes, take note of how far you've come on your journey. Not in terms of results, but in terms of changes made and healthy habits instated.

    Getting out of the 600's? Fantastic!

  14. Congratz!!! that awesome awesome awesome. Loved reading this post it gave me the warm fuzzies.

    I'm still struggling with my water intake - the better I am with it, the less food I want.

    I can't wait to see how you've done next week!

  15. Congratulations on your progress! Thanks for your comment/message! Your blog is such an inspiration to me (and so many others). I've been thinking to myself that you should be a writer or something.

    I hope this next week is a great one!

  16. What a great week you had!!!

    My only question is... how the hell did you get your hands on some pringles??? Those chips taste waaaaaay too good to be anywhere near me otherwise I'd binge too!

    You are doing FANTASTIC!! Keep up the awesome work!!!!!!

  17. WOOT! Hello 500's! Terrific week! You're making incredible steps in the right direction even if you're not making your goals 100%

  18. High five friend! 600s dead and buried...500 alive and kicking!

  19. I was very excited to see you post your current weight in the 500's! You must be very excited!

    Looks like you had a great week! congrantulations.
